"Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world; indeed, it's the only thing that ever has." - Margaret Mead
Voices for Children not only ensures that the voices of children in the child welfare system are heard in the courts, but also at the Texas Capitol. Voices for Children engages in legislative advocacy efforts as an extension to our courtroom advocacy. We participate in statewide efforts to promote public policy changes that have a direct and positive impact on the Children we serve.
We come together with 71 other CASA Programs across the State of Texas to educate legislators and other public policy makers on what Children living in foster care deserve and need to become productive citizens of our communities. Through our efforts, we research policies to improve laws and program services, and recognize state leaders in the Texas Legislature and Judiciary for their work to improve the Child Welfare System.
Contact our office to become involved in our legislative efforts. We provide the training, materials and plan you’ll need to effect change for all Children in Texas living in foster care. We need your voice. It’s a fun and rewarding way to volunteer!