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Imagine the experience of children who are removed from their homes, their families, their siblings, and everything they know and care about. They find themselves in a world filled with new sounds, new places, new people, new smells, and new schools while social workers, lawyers, and judges make life-altering decisions on their behalf.

Fortunately, children in our community have court-appointed, trained, and committed, volunteer advocates who ensure that each child’s individual needs remain a priority in an overburdened child welfare system.

A CASA volunteer forms a consistent relationship with a child that provides stability and hope for better days ahead. Oftentimes, a CASA volunteer is the most consistent presence in a foster child's life. In the midst of an unsettled and chaotic time, a CASA is there to ensure a child does not have to navigate the system alone. 


CASA volunteers do not have to navigate the system alone, either! Each CASA is paired with an Advocate Supervisor that is trained to navigate the legal system so that you can be the expert on the child and the child's best interests.


No special education, experience, or background is required. CASA volunteers come from all walks of life and share a commitment to improving children’s lives, a willingness to learn, and an open mind towards life experiences different from their own. 


Voices for Children seeks volunteers of diverse backgrounds and does not discriminate on the basis of race, ethnicity, religion, sexual orientation, or gender expression. Currently, there is a high need for Spanish-speaking CASA Volunteers.

A CASA Volunteer Must:

  • Successfully pass extensive screening and background check requirements

  • Be at least 21 years of age

  • Successfully complete 30 hours of classroom training provided by Voices for Children and 3 hours of court observation

  • Make a 12-18 month minimum commitment to a case with an average of 10-15 hours per month invested

  • Understand confidentiality and work within established program guidelines


CASA Volunteers provide an objective view of what is in the best interests of the child or children involved in the case. It is an important commitment and a serious role entrusted to Voices for Children and every CASA Volunteer.


Step one: Attend an online information session

Voices for Children information sessions describe the volunteer program and the process to become a volunteer advocate. You will learn more about the agency, the volunteer role, and the training program. Information sessions are an hour long and are led by Voices for Children staff members.

Please click the button below to select your Info Session date. You will be sent instructions for the info session when your registration is received. 


Step two: Submit an Application & Complete an Interview

From there, you will be asked to fill out a CASA Volunteer application and will schedule an interview. The application explores your background and interest in the CASA role.

Voices for Children's Training Manager will contact you to schedule an interview. The interview is an opportunity for CASA staff to get to know you and learn more about why you want to be a CASA. The interview is part of the screening process and ensures a good fit within the program. During the interview, CASA staff will talk through the expectations of the CASA role and answer your questions.

Step three: Complete the Training

Qualified applicants will be invited to attend and complete a 33-hour CASA training. Training classes are offered multiple times a year in both traditional and fast-track settings to meet the needs of all interested in becoming a CASA.


Voices for Children offers multiple pre-service training courses with both daytime and evening sessions available throughout the year.  

SUMMER 2024 Fast Track Pre-Service Training

Please note - applications must be submitted by August 5, 2024, at 4:30 pm to participate in the

August  2024 pre-service class.

August 19th

5:30 pm - 9 pm

Session 1

 The CASA/GAL Volunteer Role

August 21st

8 am-11 am

Court Observation Date Option 1

August 22nd

5:30 pm - 9 pm

Session 4 

Mental Health, Poverty & Confidentiality

August 27th

5:30 pm - 9 pm

Session 6

Domestic Violence, Bias & Cultural Competency

August 28th

5:30 pm - 9 pm

Session 7

Educational Advocacy, Older Youth & LGBTQ Youth

August 20th

5:30 pm - 9 pm

Session 2

 The Well-Being of the Child

August 21st

5:30 pm - 9 pm

Session 3

Trauma, Resilience & Communication Skills

August 26th

5:30 pm - 9 pm

Session 5

 Substance Abuse, Diversity & Disproportionality

(Highlight: Guiding Principles, Pulling It All Together!)

August 28th

8 am-11 am

Court Observation Date Option 2

August 29th

5:30 pm - 9 pm

Session 8

Moving Forward as an Advocate & Optima Training

FALL 2024 Pre-Service Training

Please note - applications must be submitted by September 3, 2024, at 4:30 pm to participate in the

Fall 2024 pre-service class.

September 16th

5:30 pm - 9 pm

Session 1

 The CASA/GAL Volunteer Role

September 23rd

5:30 pm - 9 pm

Session 3

Trauma, Resilience & Communication Skills

September 30th

5:30 pm - 9 pm

Session 5

 Substance Abuse, Diversity & Disproportionality

​(Highlight: Guiding Principles, Pulling It All Together!)

October 7th

5:30 pm - 9 pm

Session 7

Educational Advocacy, Older Youth & LGBTQ Youth

Court Observation Date Options

(3 hours of observation required)

September 18th

September 25th

October 2nd

October 9th

September 19th

5:30 pm - 9 pm

Session 2

 The Well-Being of the Child

September 26th

5:30 pm - 9 pm

Session 4 

Mental Health, Poverty & Confidentiality

October 3rd

5:30 pm - 9 pm

Session 6

Domestic Violence, Bias & Cultural Competency

October 10th

5:30 pm - 9 pm

Session 8

Moving Forward as an Advocate & Optima Training


Are you seeking other ways to support Voices for Children? We invite you to join VFC ROAR and the Faith Outreach Team. These are volunteers and community partners dedicated to helping Voices for Children CASA of the Brazos Valley connect with the community on a greater level. Plus, there's a ton of fun in helping VFC connect!


VFC ROAR offers community members, those with a passion for serving children and families impacted by the child welfare system, short- and long-term volunteer opportunities.

VFC Faith Outreach Team (FOT) is for CASA / VFC ROAR volunteers and community members who are interested in serving as a liaison between their church and Voices for Children.  While much of our work is highlighted during the month of April, which is Child Abuse Prevention Month, members of the FOT will have the ability to build relationships year-round with the focus on primary prevention (preventing the abuse before it happens). Voices of Children is an expert in the child welfare system within the five (5) counties we serve; FOT members and their congregations are the experts of their faith.  When it comes to preventing child abuse and neglect, together, we can do more.  For more information, contact CJ Spencer

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